Relax, renew, restore, and energize with Iyengar-based yoga, which emphasizes correct alignment, breathing techniques, and the usage of props, such as blankets, blocks, chairs, straps, wedges, and bolsters to get the most benefit from the postures based on your personal needs and abilities, while holding poses longer.
This is a flowing yoga class at a faster pace. Students start off with gentle standing postures, then lead into a variation of the Sun Salutations sequence. This class helps energize the body and mind, while increasing flexibility, strength, endurance, balance, and focus. This class is open to all levels, although some yoga experience is recommended. (Ages 16 and above.)
This is a gentle Iyengar-based yoga class combining restorative positions and basic stretching postures to help students de-stress, increase flexibility, reduce tension, quiet the mind, and help relieve stiffness. All levels and abilities are welcome. No yoga experience required. (Ages 16 and above.)
A gentle Iyengar-based yoga class perfect for seniors, those new to yoga, students with limitations, or those who may be less flexible. This class focuses on calming the mind, with basic yoga postures to increase flexibility, gently strengthen the core to improve posture, increase stability with supported balance poses, and help reduce stress. All levels and abilities are welcome. No yoga experience required. (Ages 16 and above.)
This is a gentle Iyengar-based yoga class combining restorative positions and basic stretching postures to help students de-stress, increase flexibility, reduce tension, quiet the mind, and help relieve stiffness. All levels and abilities are welcome. No yoga experience required. (Ages 16 and above.)
Previously known as 'Level I Yoga', this Iyengar-based class explores slightly more challenging postures, helping students increase core and overall strength, flexibility, balance, stability, and stamina, while improving focus, and calming the mind. All levels are welcome, although some yoga experience is recommended. (Ages 16 and above.)
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